mandag den 13. april 2020

Nordic Art

Dear Artists in Nordic Art
Denmark: Lotte, Esben, Rithva, Shafali, Preben
Finland: Kristian, Aino, Auli, Sanna
Sweden: Ylva

We are 10 artists men women from Denmark - Finland - Sweden
Corona is upon us and we must hope that all will survive. I want to hear about if you are living and having a good time. Even that meant my Finland trip was postponed to Oktober-November. I am making an application to send out. It has already been shipped to 4 Danish sites but will probably not be sent out until Corona is over. But then we will be in a world of crisis. Have a good time and look after your health. Mail a sound if you live.

Greetings Lotte

Med Venlig Hilsen Billedkunstner, Illustrator og lyriker Lotte Kjøller

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