tirsdag den 26. november 2019

Dear Kristian

Dear Kristian

I just leave you a sign to know that I am alive. Many things has happened both bad and good things. Sone Christmas is coming and april is NOT so far away. I bought 4 very Big suitcases's for my art and clothes. I look forward to see you and Hannele - my dear friends in Finland. Sometimes i miss the piece and Nature in Finland. The part of me called "natureweman" is wery near when I was in Finland. It sults her to be in Nature. I live insite Copenhagen and many people is far from their naturemann. I am NOT. I have started a gallery besite my artstudeo and if you wish you Can make a skulpture exhibition with smaller skulptures there. We Can make a Lotte on the walls and Kristian on the floor exhibition and you Can wisit me here if you wish. When I comes to Finland I hope you Will give you and me some time to write and plan. I look forward to see you. Best regards from your friend in Denmark Lotte

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