Sommer 2020
Atelier og Galleri er i Juni og Juli kun åbent efter aftale!
Henvend dig til Billedkunstner Lotte Kjøller +45 23830717.
God sommer!
Lotte Kjøller
Selvbiografi White Angel: DK: Blog 4 i Smukkeste Kvinde. Bloggen kom da mennesker holder øje m. Lotte Kjøller, det hun gør, tænker og laver. Og nu bruges det i min kunst. Nogle tekster bliver andre forsvinder. En bloghistorie skal læses bagfra. ENGLISH: Blog 4 in Most Beautiful Woman. The blog came when people are watching Lotte Kjøller, what she does, thinks and doing. And now it's used in my art. Some texts are for ever some disappear. A blog story must be read from behind.
søndag den 31. maj 2020
lørdag den 30. maj 2020
Video af "To those who died of corona
Hvide Engel udstillingen lukkede i går men man kan stadig komme forbi og se natudstillingen med Lotte Kjøller lys ready made skulpturer " To those who died of corona" som denne video handler om.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Jesus came and paid the price! "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins".. (I John 4:10). Now we can be free of our burdens and stand righteous before our Heavenly Father!
There are times when we all walk through valleys. We may feel as if all hope is gone and that God has left us. There is a wonderful promise found in God's Word which says, He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews13:5). He is with you in your circumstance. All you need to do is, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved" (Psalms 55:22).
Remember, in God's Word He promised to be your refuge (Psalms 46:1); your deliverer (John 8:36);... your healer (Isaiah 53:5); and also your way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). Isaiah 43 verses 1-2 says, "...Fear not...When thou passeth the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned..." Let me encourage you to continue reading through verse 10.
We are agreeing in prayer before God that you and your loved ones would be set free in Christ Jesus. It is very important to be part of a local body of Christ. If you are not already involved in a local church, please find one that teaches the Bible as the Word of God. The fellowship of other believers will encourage you and help strengthen your walk with the Lord.
May the Shepard's goodness and loving kindness be with you all the days of your life.
Jesus came and paid the price! "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins".. (I John 4:10). Now we can be free of our burdens and stand righteous before our Heavenly Father!
There are times when we all walk through valleys. We may feel as if all hope is gone and that God has left us. There is a wonderful promise found in God's Word which says, He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews13:5). He is with you in your circumstance. All you need to do is, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved" (Psalms 55:22).
Remember, in God's Word He promised to be your refuge (Psalms 46:1); your deliverer (John 8:36);... your healer (Isaiah 53:5); and also your way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). Isaiah 43 verses 1-2 says, "...Fear not...When thou passeth the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned..." Let me encourage you to continue reading through verse 10.
We are agreeing in prayer before God that you and your loved ones would be set free in Christ Jesus. It is very important to be part of a local body of Christ. If you are not already involved in a local church, please find one that teaches the Bible as the Word of God. The fellowship of other believers will encourage you and help strengthen your walk with the Lord.
May the Shepard's goodness and loving kindness be with you all the days of your life.
My friend have an alcoholic deamon. He shines white and drink. Also check him for other curses and demons. Protect him in the Name of Jesus. He signs up here to get your prayer. He's been moped.
fredag den 29. maj 2020
Jeg fryser midt i sommervarmen. Mit hvide tøj blev beskidt af spildt cola og er blevet vasket. Så nu sidder jeg med vådt tøj på og det er faktisk koldt selvom det er varmt der ude.
Sidste udstillingsdag med Hvide Engel
Det er i dag sidste udstillingsdag med installationen Hvide Engel. Musikken spiller for de der kom forbi. Solen har skinnet i dag og det er ved at være sommer. Derfor bliver jeg her til meget sent for at fotografere mine lys ready made der står i vinduerne. De kan bedst ses når det er ved at være mørkt - bare ike helt mørkt. Jeg synes ikke alle billeder var gode nok så jeg må prøve i aften igen.
Selvom udstillingen lukker kl. 17.30 så kommer Lars min ex på besøg i aften. Søndag aften har jeg bedemøde. Derfor bliver udstillingen først hevet ned efter søndag og efter at jeg er flyttetmin private bopæl til Hørsholm hvor han bor.
Selvom udstillingen lukker kl. 17.30 så kommer Lars min ex på besøg i aften. Søndag aften har jeg bedemøde. Derfor bliver udstillingen først hevet ned efter søndag og efter at jeg er flyttetmin private bopæl til Hørsholm hvor han bor.
torsdag den 28. maj 2020
Der er nu kommet 2 hemmeligheder i skulpturerne - 2 hologrammer. Et af Jesus og et af Jomfru Maria. De ligger neders i kurvene sammen med bamserne. En i hver. Du kan se på billederne hvordan de ser ud. Man kan ikke se dem men de er der. Så du må tro. Tror du?
onsdag den 27. maj 2020
Onsdag morgen
Jeg er begyndt at pakke min lejlighed ned. Der er mange ting. Jeg er også ude i atelieret. Jeg har lavet 2 lysreadymadeskulpturer som skal lyse i mine vinduer resten af måneden. Det har bragt mig i kontakt med mennesker over hele kloden og det er hyggeligt. Jeg synes selv at mine lysskulpturer er blevet meget sjove. Nu må jeg vågne og tage hjem for at pakke videre.
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tirsdag den 26. maj 2020
Tak, fordi du har udfyldt Light Windows
Vi modtog følgende fra dig:Light Windows
– bring light art to your neighborhood –
Add your project to the Light Windows map
The map will launch on May 1 and grow throughout May
You can update your project or add new documentation by submitting again
or by email:
Stay well and make art at home.
Your email and address will not be displayed on the map
Dear Jonathan
I have a Gallery and studeo in Copenhagen and I have made 2 light readymade skulptures to my 2 windows to participate. I have spread the exhibition online and know more artists participate and some normal people put candles in their window 31 may. I made the skulptures to day. When I have taken a photo I can send it to you.
Best regards from
Artist Lotte Kjøller from Denmark and
Hi Lotte!
That is so wonderful to hear! I'm excited that the project has taken off the way it has.
You should know, however, that I am just one of the participating artists-- the exhibition is organizer by the Holocenter here in New York City, and curated by Martina Mrongovius.
You can check out the details here:
There is a link for those who want to participate to fill out a form and get included in the listing and map. If you have anymore questions you can email the Holocenter directly.
Best of luck and please feel free to keep in touch if I can help in any other way!
mandag den 25. maj 2020
Light Windows. Love from New York for Window-based Light Exhibition 25-31 maj 2020
Jeg flager med i Lk-kunst både i Galleriet og Atelieret. I dag har jeg sat ready made lysskulpturer op i begge vinduer på Bogholder Alle til ære for alle der er døde af corona og "Light Windows" der lyser fra 25 maj til 31 maj. Hvide Engel flager med. Lad os sprede budskabet.
”Til de der døde af Corona 1 + 2”
lavet af plastbamser, stjerner, lyskæder, svæveramme, coronamundbind og 2 katolske hologrammer i 2 kurve. Kurven er kisten. Bamserne døde menneskers ånd, hologrammerne det de har med i graven. Den store med Jesus hologrammet har glorie og mundbind på. De 2 små bamser har jomfru maria og har en lyskæde og 2 stjerner. Kunstværkerne er ligesom et minuts stilhed for de Coronadøde.
Lyskunsten er en del af Hvide Engels udvikling.
"Anyone who has a window and wants to engage can put something up. It’s meant to be a really hopeful gesture"
Jonathan Sims
With the closure of art spaces around the world, Flux Factory alumna and Director of the Center for Holographic Arts, Martina Mrongovius, launched the festival Light Windows as a way to bring art into the streets. Using various forms of projection, artists have installed illuminated artworks in windows around the world.
At the Flux Factory building in Long Island City, the gallery windows are lit by current Artist-in-Residence Jonathan Sims' new work Song For Sickness, a meditation on "the complex relationships every human being experiences with sickness."
Thank you to New York Post writer Hannah Frishberg for covering the festival and highlighting Jon's work. Click here to read the full article.
Song For Sickness is on view from the sidewalk every night through May 31st.
Bogholder Alle 66 kl th and tv
2720 Copenhagen
”Til de der døde af Corona 1 + 2”
lavet af plastbamser, stjerner, lyskæder, svæveramme, coronamundbind og 2 katolske hologrammer i 2 kurve. Kurven er kisten. Bamserne døde menneskers ånd, hologrammerne det de har med i graven. Den store med Jesus hologrammet har glorie og mundbind på. De 2 små bamser har jomfru maria og har en lyskæde og 2 stjerner. Kunstværkerne er ligesom et minuts stilhed for de Coronadøde.
Lyskunsten er en del af Hvide Engels udvikling.
"Anyone who has a window and wants to engage can put something up. It’s meant to be a really hopeful gesture"
Jonathan Sims
With the closure of art spaces around the world, Flux Factory alumna and Director of the Center for Holographic Arts, Martina Mrongovius, launched the festival Light Windows as a way to bring art into the streets. Using various forms of projection, artists have installed illuminated artworks in windows around the world.
At the Flux Factory building in Long Island City, the gallery windows are lit by current Artist-in-Residence Jonathan Sims' new work Song For Sickness, a meditation on "the complex relationships every human being experiences with sickness."
Thank you to New York Post writer Hannah Frishberg for covering the festival and highlighting Jon's work. Click here to read the full article.
Bogholder Alle 66 kl th and tv
2720 Copenhagen
lørdag den 23. maj 2020
Jeg har talt med Lars 1 i dag der siger at han er i bedring og er ved at blive en normal mand igen. Han har dog meget ondt i ryggen så jeg har bedt for ham. Han har det nu så godt at jeg bøjer ham ud hvis han ønsker det. Jeg havde kun til hensigt at redde Lars ikke overtage hans selvbestemmelse.
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Skilte vande
Vi har skilt vandene i dag. Min nuværende Lars 2 har været ved Isefjorden for at slå græs. Fællestoiletter o. Lign gør det svært at overnatte der endnu men græsset skal slås.
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